Welcome to MEI Ghagwal



Civilization has taken a giant leap forward in the last century and in this new millennium. Everyday new and exciting Scientific and Technological Where we provide quality study to our students . The Class IX and X are base of all senior secondary classes. discoveries and inventions are taking place at breath taking speed and all this has become possible just because of the advancement in the education system and style.

Science and computer technology is opening up new vistas and frontiers to the mankind everyday. Just few years back we all were hearing a new word in our vocabulary called “GLOBAL VILLAGE” and today this has become a Living Reality of our life times, thanks to the information and transportation technology available to the humankind today.

In the by gone era only city people with means and resources where having Monopoly on the better education opportunity. But here, we the management of Modern Education Institute, Ghagwal have resolved to fight this menace of disparity by establishing this Modern Education Institute right in the heart of village Ghagwal where each child / student of the institute irrespective of his caste, colour creed and religion will have an equal opportunity to discover and develop his / her potential and also grow, flourish and learn the values of the Indian Culture and Traditions, combined with knowledge of Science and Computer Technology, so as to enable the students of this institute to compete with confidence with the World outside and thus become reasonable good and successful citizen of the future.

The success of our school is determined by our ability to plan and teach courses that are tailored to the needs and abilities of all the students. We also believe that young people learn not only from what they are taught in the class but also from the way they are treated and by what they experience. At Modern Educational Institute, we are committed to provide education that meets the needs of all abilities and at the same time create a caring environment built on honesty and respect for one another, and embrace all those who come in contact with the institute.

The institute would cherish a child to in calculate a right mix of traditional and modern values. An institute of which pupils would be proud to be an Alumni of.

Board of Advisors

The school is functioning under guidance of a Board of advisors, most of whom have held high offices in the field of educational administration. Also there are experts who are highly qualified and professionally trained and experienced.