Welcome to MEI Ghagwal


Civilization has taken a giant leap forward in the last century and in this new millennium. Everyday new and exciting Scientific and Technological discoveries and inventions are taking place at breath taking speed and all this has become possible just  because of the advancement in the education system and style.

Science and computer technology is opening up new vistas and frontiers to the mankind everyday. Just few years back we all were hearing a new word in our vocabulary called “GLOBAL VILLAGE’ and today this has become a Living Reality of our life times, thanks to the information and transportation technology available to the human kind today.

In the by gone era only city people with means and resources were having Monopoly on the better education opportunity. But here, we the management of Modern Educational Institute, Ghagwal have resolved to fight this menace of disparity by establishing this Modern Educational Institute right in the heart of village Ghagwal where each child / student of 48 the institute irrespective of his caste, colour is creed and religion will have an equal Opportunity to discover and develop his / her potential and also grow, flourish and learn the values of the Indian Culture and Traditions, combined with knowledge of Science and Computer Technology, so as to enable the students of this institute to compete with confidence with the World outside and thus become reasonable good and successful citizen of the future.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

Message from Managing Director


From Director

Modern Educational Institute, Ghagwal started its journey in the year 2001. Our aim to impart quality education which shall mould the young minds and transform students into good citizen of the country. Our school encourage the students to acquire and assimilate discipline, ethics, tradation and culture. This is done to prepare them to become socially responsible citizens. We are providing ample opportunities to every students to bring about all round growth and self-realization. I take this opportunity to congratulate the staff and students for their commendable efforts in bringing the school to this level of excellence. I am equally greatful to the parents for their patronage and belief on us. Role of parents in their child education has been recognised as a significant factors. I am glad that the parents of our children support us in all initiatives. The main focus is inculcation of attributes that lead the child to unfold naturally in to a well balanced individual who will effectively meet the challenge of world. My best wishes to all those who are directly or indirectly associated with MEI

With best wishes
K K Sharma

Message From Principal


From Principal

Thank you for showing interest in admitting your child to Modern Educational Institute. Nothing is more important than the choice of the right school for your child and this provides you with a glimpse of what our school has to offer

We believe that Modern Educational Institute offers an educational experience like no other to our children and will give them the qualifications and confidence they will need to play a leading role in tomorrow’s society. We always try hard to provide our students vast experience and best environment in which they have sufficient opportunities to excel and distinguish themselves in all spheres of life. 

Let us come together and create an environment for children to provide best education in a comfortable environment so that they stand tall with courage and confidence in any situation and difficulty they face in their life. Unlock the door to your child’s  brightest future  with us ,where dreams take  flight and hearts find their home.

Stars of Modern Educational Institute


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